
“Take Responsibility”

1 Samuel 17:31-37 “I think a lot of the problems that we have, whether it be in our own lives or in our own family, or in our country as…

“Be Ready”

Luke 12:35-48  “ The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is an absolute certainty.  We need to live our lives in light of that truth.”  Bradley Rushing

“Our King Comes”

Matthew 21:1-11  “Why did Jesus ride a donkey as King? Why did this conquering King not ride a war horse clad with armor and carrying a great sword? Here’s why:…

“Shoveling Smoke”

Luke 12:22-34  – Someone described worry like this:  “A small trickle of fear that meanders through the mind until it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” …

“Don’t be a Rich Fool”

Luke 12:13-21,  “Knowing Jesus and what you do to bring glory to Jesus – that is what will remain valuable for all eternity.” – Bradley Rushing