We are a group of men that are intentional about loving, mentoring, encouraging and praying for each other in hope that the Holy Spirit forms Christ in us.(Galatians 4:19)
We help each other follow Jesus by pushing, pulling, and dragging each other closer to Him. We accomplish this by coming together frequently at varying times throughout the week and being transparent and getting real with each other.
Being vulnerable is not always easy, but God makes it worth it. Our goal is to sustain a culture of transformational discipleship in the context of the local church here at Mount Gilead. We believe this is the model that Jesus commanded when he told the disciples to “be teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you”. (Matthew 28:19)
Our purpose is to present men mature in Christ in hope they will pour into other men, families, and the community.
Connect Groups meet from 9:00 – 10:00am each Sunday morning.
Our men meet monthly throughout the year in closed small groups at various times and locations. Groups focus attention on helping one another embrace their role as spiritual leaders within our homes, church, and our community.
Every Wednesday at 6:15pm we gather to discuss doctrines and theology that help us understand our identity in Christ, increase our passion, and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
To stay up to date, make sure you follow us on social media.