2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

1st-6th grade. Pizza and lots of fun.  No cost.

Young at Heart

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

White Elephant Gift Exchange

Kid’s Team Appreciation Lunch

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Kid's Team Members and their families. Lunch will be served in the FLC immediately following morning worship.

Recipe Swap

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Please bring your favorite dish and copies of your recipe to share.  If you don't want to cook, no worries,  just bring your favorite "carry-out" to share! All ladies are invited. No Cost. Meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Honduras Mtg

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

For anyone interested in information about the annual mission trip.

Derby Races

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Meet in the FLC and have fun watching the boys race their cars!

Derby Races

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Come after the worship service and watch the boys race their cars and enjoy a chili dog and some great fellowship!

Wednesday Night Meal

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Cost is $5 per person.  Maximum per family is $25.00.  Come enjoy a good time of fellowship around the tables!

Ladies Recipe Swap

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

All ladies are welcome to bring a dish and come enjoy a great time of fellowship.  Bring copies of the recipe to share with others.