
The gospel begins with God because everything begins with God.

Read: Gen. 1:1.

God is the holy Creator of all things. Therefore He has the rightful authority over all things.

Read Job 38:1-40:2. What response do you have as you encounter God as omnipotent Creator? Maybe it is similar to Job’s where he says, “Behold, I am of small account” (40:4).

God has clearly stated His expectations for man (his creation). Lev. 11:44 states, “For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy.” What is your response to this standard? Pray and thank God that he makes the impossible (man being 100% holy) possible.

Consider the following implications:

I. Creation Has A Purpose

Creation was planned. It sprang from the mind, word, and hand of God. This means that his creation (you) has purpose. We are not the result of a random cosmic accident or of some fortunate gene mutation. Every one of us is the result of an idea, a plan, and the action of God himself.

Reflect on these verses as you consider your purpose in creation. Psalm 139, especially verses13-16; Jer. 1:5; 1 Cor. 10:31.

Pause and think about the truth of Psalm 51:5. How does this verse relate to the Gospel?

II. God Has Rights Over His Creation

As much as we like to talk about our rights and freedom, the truth is that we are not as free as we think. Before you dismiss this thought, let’s consider it a bit further. We are not autonomous beings. Sure, people make countless decisions during the day in complete freedom. However, people are created. Therefore, we are owned. Since God created us, He owns us. He has the right to tell us how to live.

Adam and Eve understood God’s rights over His creation. Much of their sin in the Garden of Eden revolves around their rebellion to these rights. Take a look at the narrative of Gen. 3.

III. We Can Trust God As Creator

As you consider God’s relattionship with Adam and Eve, it becomes clear that He gave them instructions for their good. Eating the wrong tree would bring the curses of sin — death. God did not give arbitrary rules just to see if they would be kept. He knows what is best for His people and gives us directions that are for our good. Sin can be largely understood as our rejection of God’s creator-rights over us.

How does this relate to our understanding the Gospel?

IV. God Is The Holy And Righteous One

Read God’s revelation of Himself to Moses in Exodus 34:6-7. How does the last part of verse 7 relate to His description of Himself in verses 6-7a?

One great aspect about this passage is that it displays God’s character in great balance. Many people dwell on the fact that God is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin”, but neglect the clear fact that God “will by no means clear the guilty”.

Understanding now that God does not give sin a free pass, and that all of us stand before Him as guilty…

Here, then, becomes the real question? How does God issue forgiveness for sin while still maintaining his perfect righteousness and justice? How does He punish the guilty and offer grace at the same time?

V. God Is The Creator Of The Gospel

The answer is that God can be both just and forgiving through the Gospel. We will discuss this further as we continue to learn about the Gospel. But for now, let it suffice to say that God did not leave man in a state of sin with no hope for rescue. In His grace, He created a way for man to have relationship with Him.

Just as God created the world and everything in it, He also created the Gospel. The Gospel begins with God. He is the Initiator of the Gospel.

Take a moment and worshp God for the truth found in Eph. 2:1-10.