Adult Choir Practice

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Located in the Choir room (behind the worship center)

Wednesday Night Meal

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Cost is $5 per person.  Maximum per family is $25.00.  Come enjoy a good time of fellowship around the tables!

Wednesday Night Meal

Cost is $5 per person.  Maximum per family is $25.00.  Come enjoy a good time of fellowship around the tables!

Wednesday Night Meal

Cost is $5 per person.  Maximum per family is $25.00.  Come enjoy a good time of fellowship around the tables!

Children’s Choir 1-6th grade

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Meet each Wednesday in the Adult Choir Room.

RA’s & GA’s

For Boys and Girls 1st - 6th grade.  Meet on the 2nd floor of the FLC.

Prayer Meeting

Join Bro Bradley in the Worship Center.

Prayer Meeting

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Join others to pray in the Fellowship Hall, located in the 2 story Education Building.

Prayer Meeting

2864 S Brannon Stand Rd., Dothan

Prayer Meeting meets in the Fellowship Hall located in the 2 story Education Building.

Legacy University Classes

A variety of studies are offered each Wednesday evening.  These classes are held on the 3rd floor of the Family Life Center. Check your bulletin or call church office to see what...